A Healthy Body and Mind


I read this quote a few times before it completely sunk in. Our bodies don’t decide how we live. But our bodies certainly do reflect our lifestyle and the choices that we make.

I’m not talking just about eating healthful foods instead of junk food. Or even about exercising, drinking lots of water, getting enough sleep, and not smoking. These habits are a major part of overall health. But they’re not everything.

You can run five miles a day, substitute quinoa for white rice, carrot sticks for Cheetos, and drink two liters of water, yet still feel unhealthy and unhappy.

Attention must be paid to good mental and emotional health, as well as being physically fit.

Mind, body, spirit.

For me, this means feeling happy and fulfilled. Having a purpose. Using my talents in a constructive way, to improve my life and help others. It means having a strong marriage and good relationships with family and friends. A positive attitude. Faith.

It doesn’t mean I’m happy all the time or always feel like I’m being productive. If I’ve had a disagreement with my husband, if there’s a problem at our business, or if I’m  overwhelmed with money issues, then I don’t feel good, no matter how health-conscious I think I’m being.

When something isn’t going right, it makes my whole body feel ‘off.’ My stress and unhappiness is mirrored in how my body feels.

Here are some issues that can drag us down, mentally and emotionally:

  • Feeling lonely
  • Being miserable in a relationship
  • A stressful job
  • Money worries
  • A constant, negative attitude
  • No spiritual connection
  • Needing to lose weight
  • Health concerns

It’s not easy to change these around. But if we take a deep look at what truly is making us unhappy and unfulfilled, then actions can be taken to improve that situation. The first step is getting at the root of the problem.

Years ago I had a job that literally made me sick. I was under extreme stress. I stayed because I had just graduated college and needed to make money. I didn’t want to feel like a failure by quitting. I didn’t want others to think I couldn’t handle a full-time job.

My joints were swollen and painful, I was tired all the time, and cried almost every morning before work. When I finally quit, it was like a one hundred pound weight was lifted off my shoulders. I instantly felt better. Soon my body wasn’t sore, I had more energy, and I smiled and laughed easier. My only regret was that it took me too long to leave.

Change is difficult. But sometimes it’s what we must do for our health and well-being.

Here’s a checklist of what I strive for:

  • A positive attitude, a life filled with optimism and happiness
  • Minimal stress and anxiety
  • Strong marriage and relationships with my daughters
  • Strong network of family and friends
  • A meaningful way to spend my days
  • Good business decisions
  • Creativity (I love writing, photography, gardening, baking)
  • Strong faith
  • Good nutrition and exercise
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Practicing mindfulness and meditation

These take time and effort to incorporate into a daily routine. It’s about making good choices and practicing healthy habits.

Having a happy, healthy body makes it all worthwhile.



69 thoughts on “A Healthy Body and Mind

    • And that’s wonderful, that you have faith, solid relationships, and a positive attitude. We each have our own limits, but I think the important thing is to do the best we can, in whatever ways work best. Thank you for your nice comment!🌷

      Liked by 3 people

  1. Pingback: A Healthy Body + Mind (ReBlog) | Little Lord Oscar Dandelion Books

  2. I used to have a stressful job that was making me sick too – little by little over time, so I didn’t notice. Fortunately another position opened and I applied for it, and now I’m in a much happier place. But it makes me realize how I can’t take my mental health for granted. Your checklist is a great idea!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Beautiful post, and so True Mental and Emotional strenght are needed in life. Balance is the key. I think many us when we start of life , well work life we find ourselves the work extra hard groove. I reflect back on my life, now that I work part time for the last 6 months, and prior to that i didnt work for two years. I can’t believe how hard I worked and i did that for over 20 years. There is no way I could do it now, and i dont want to – my balance is worth more.

    thanks for sharing a great post.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I agree, balance is really important to me. I’ve learned not to just work on my physical body (eating right, exercising, etc), but I can’t ignore my mental well-being. It all goes together, and affects each other. Thank you so much for your nice comment and insight. I appreciate that!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. A brilliant, positive post. I am dealing with almost everything in your ‘negative’ list, reading about your strategies to cope is so helpful, thank you .

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, I appreciate that! I’m sorry you’re dealing with some of the negative issues. But I think the first step, which you’ve done, is to be aware of the things you’d like to change. And it takes small steps to get to where you want to be. Wishing you the best!

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Hi Jenny – just spent a good hour having a read of ur blogs and I really love how truthful and pure you’re writing is. I have recently set up my blogging page in order to attempt to calm the storm of anxiety I am dealing with and have now set out to blog until I find myself somewhere!
    Reading your stories gave me comfort.
    If you get chance I’d love for you to give my first blog a read and let me know what you think! It’s all new to me so there are bare pages and it’s a working progress hahaa! X

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi, thanks for visiting here and finding me! Wow, that makes me feel so good that you’ve taken the time to read my posts. And thank you for the kind words. 🙂 I’m going to head over to your blog now…. welcome to blogging, and very nice to connect with you! Jenny xx


  6. Wonderful post! I so agree that being in a toxic job can make you feel terrible emotionally and physically. I have been there. I have been working on the healthy eating the last few weeks and I do feel better. I figure if I should start with one thing at a time on the list :).

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Great read Jenny, thanks for sharing! 🙂

    My story is similar to yours in that I struggled with the change that university brought along and this caused my health to deteriorate. Your checklist of what you strive for to keep you happy and healthy is something I resonate with and habit forming is something I have enjoyed researching into.

    Loving the content and keep doing what you’re doing 🙂

    PS – On a related note, I’m on the hunt for feedback for my new show The HERO Podcast! It’s all about creating healthy habits, and creating a positive mindset. You can check it out (and maybe leave a short review if you like) here: http://apple.co/2kjNoGN

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Lydia, that is ironic timing! I saw your post last night when I scrolled through the reader, but didn’t have time to click on any links. I’m going to check that out! I’d love to see that documentary. I think it’s so interesting, and makes sense. Our minds have much power over our bodies. Thanks Lydia!

      Liked by 2 people

      • You are welcome, Jenny! I really can’t say enough about it. I have watched many self-help films where I believe a little that they say, but this made sense from the opening line! The book is good too. I haven’t finished it yet.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. I think you read my mind and heart! I just recently stepped away from a job that was causing stress that manifested into physical symptoms and anxiety. I was on the verge of breaking down (more like I was already broken just hanging on by the strings). I knew that I needed to let it go no matter how much the helper part of me wanted to put the people I was helping’s needs first. I really had to do a lot of soul searching and figuring out what’s important to me and my family right now. I had to change my perspective and mindset to understand that in order for me to be the person God created me to be and love the people in my life more fully, I needed to also show that same love to myself. In a society that measures success by busyness, recognition, money and stuff, choosing to have less, work less, make less, and do less is often looked upon negatively as if I’m less than, lazy, or not driven. However, that is not the case at all. Through the last month of letting go of the stress, focusing on small joys, and purposefully seeking more calm, I have found so much peace and joy. (Sorry for that my comment is a novel but thanks for the great read!)


    • Good for you that you searched your soul and realized what was best for you and your family. And acted upon it, to have a better life. That’s so great! It’s wonderful to get to a point where you figure it out, removing stress from your life (as much as you can), and being mindful of the small joys… and getting to a place of feeling peaceful and happy. Thanks so much for sharing your story. I loved reading it!


  9. Thank you so much for sharing! I completely agree with you about how you need to have a healthy mind. I feel like your mind reflects your body as well! If your mind is unhealthy then the body will reflect that! The mind and body are all connected and if one is out of wack then it can throw the other one off as well!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Great post! Thank you for writing it.

    So true about our health being all-encompassing — and that still be miserable and unhealthy despite being well-hydrated, well-nourished and athletic. I’ve learned this year just how important mental, emotional and spiritual health are to our physical well-being.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I try to do what I can to nurture myself – one, because I’m the best-qualified for the job; two, I might be the only one who will; and three, because if I’m doing as much as I can to feel better, at least I’m doing SOMETHING about how I’m feeling vs. letting the fates decide how it will be. And taking action makes me feel just a little bit stronger. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  12. I love this! It really is a balance between keeping your mind and body healthy. With 3 little kids I have struggled with this. I spend so much time and energy keeping them healthy and happy and i forget to care for myself sometimes. When I start to yell more I am reminded to get back to practicing my yoga and eating better instead of hiding from the kids to eat junk. Its a constant challenge but I know iam am more patient and happy when i look after myself

    Liked by 1 person

    • The great thing is that you’re aware of it and remind yourself of self care and self love. It’s really hard work being a mom! When my girls were little, I definitely had more patience when I took time out for myself. Thanks for your nice comment!💜

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Pingback: A Healthy Body and Mind — Peace from Panic – Site Title

  14. Love this post! It is so true… As a Christian Wellness Instructor I am so conscious of how my state of mind impacts all other areas of my life and health. I write so often about this same issue and the continuous journey of self-discovery and constantly growing in faith. So glad to have found this post! Blessings Water B

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, I appreciate that and it’s great to connect with you! Your work sounds really interesting. It’s so important to realize the connection of emotional well-being and other areas of life and health. Thanks for visiting here! Jenny

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Pingback: A Healthy Body and Mind — Peace from Panic – Boopathy

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