Mental Health and Me, Featured on Thrive Global

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Image courtesy of Pixabay

It’s been a while! It feels good to be here, writing again. I’ve been devoting my time to another writing project, so I haven’t had much of a chance to be on the blog.

I want to say hello and share an article from Thrive Global I was recently featured in. They talked to me about my mental health advocacy and work with NAMI. I’m a speaker for NAMI’s in-school mental health awareness campaign, Ending the Silence.

You can read the Thrive Global article here.

It’s hard to believe it’s already the middle of August. My favorite season is just around the corner, yay! But I’m savoring each day of summer, aware that it is fleeting.

Take care, Jenny

15 Best End of Summer Quotes - Beautiful Quotes About the Last Days of Summer
Image courtesy of Pinterest

17 thoughts on “Mental Health and Me, Featured on Thrive Global

  1. Great article Jenny. Keep telling people about mental health issues and what it really is. I will never forget 30 some years ago my brother in law got down to 90 pounds. His parents took him everywhere for a diagnosis. Finally in Iowa City they realized he needed to see a mental health professional. His parents were furious. I could not understand why. My view was and still is like yours. If you had a torn ACL you would be open about it and fix it. Mental health should be no different.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s awful how long it took for your brother in law to get diagnosed. How scary that he got to 90lbs. Were his parents furious because he had to see a mental health professional or that it took so long to figure it out? From what you say, I’m thinking they were angry they were told it was a mental health issue. And absolutely, mental health is a REAL medical illness that must be treated, just like a physical one. Thank you for sharing your story and the kind words. I truly appreciate you taking the time to read the article! xx


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