Just a thought…

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I’m not a daring person. It isn’t easy for me to try new things and stretch out of my comfort zone. But when I do, I’m glad I made the effort. I often need a gentle nudge (or hard push) from my husband or daughters.

I don’t mean climb Mount Everest or jump out of an airplane. I’m sure I’ll never do those things. What I’m talking about is participating in activities that make me uncomfortable and even anxious, but deep inside, I know they’d be good for me. Like go to a party where I don’t know many people, submit an article to a publisher and not be afraid of rejection, or try a new skill.

I love to hike in the mountains. I’m happiest when there’s a wide, flat path. I don’t like precarious, steep, narrow walkways. I’m nervous to climb on rocks. There have been many times I’ve wanted to turn back, but my family has given me extra encouragement to carry on. “Come on, Mom, it’s not that bad! You’ll love it once you get up here!” I don’t want to disappoint them, or myself. So I trudge on.

When I arrive, my husband and girls are so proud of me. I’m proud of me too. There have been many gorgeous waterfalls and stunning views I never would’ve seen, had I not pushed myself. I would’ve missed witnessing those splendors with my family.

I don’t want to be in a rut and live a boring life. I want to reach higher to achieve my goals. I want to go on adventures, make new friends, and travel to exotic lands. I want to get the most out of every single day.

Life is for experiencing. For living.
