Persistence Pays

what you focus on grows

Several weeks ago, I read something on a blog that has stuck with me. I think of it every single day. It’s these five simple words:

What you focus on grows.

And the blogger? The beautiful Miriam, of Out an’ About. She’s so lovely! I connected with her soon after I started my blog. Miriam lives in Australia and is an inspirational travel writer and photographer. Every time I read one of her posts, I’m filled with positivity and motivation. (She has no idea I’m writing this!)

Anyway, those words — what you focus on grows — are appropriate in my life right now.

Lately, I feel like I’m being pulled in different directions — a major renovation project for our business, various deadlines including taxes, etc.  All of which are urgent matters and must take precedence over “fun/personal/do-what-I-want-to-do-things.”

I’ve had to switch my priorities. But I know it’s temporary. Like they say, “This too shall pass.”

Soon I’ll be able to move on and do what I love (blog and write, read for pleasure, take extra-long walks, work on my self-care routine, etc.)

I’ve realized that no matter what task I’m faced with — whether I’m excited about it or not — when I focus on it, it grows. In return, I’m filled with a sense of accomplishment and pride in a job well done.

Image result for images for being persistent

Goals and dreams don’t magically happen. It takes hard work and discipline. We must put effort and energy into what we want in this world.

It pays to be persistent.

This isn’t merely about checking items off the to-do list. It’s also choosing how to live our lives. Miriam says it beautifully:

“We can choose to focus on what is good in our world or we can hold on to worries so tightly that they consume us. Let them go and things tend to unfold naturally. Focus on the positives and life will be better.”

It felt great to sit at my computer and write a blog post again, it’s been a while. But now I need to switch gears and focus on making dinner for my husband.

Image result for images for being persistent

Second image courtesy of here

Third image courtesy of here







31 thoughts on “Persistence Pays

  1. Hi Jenny, what a lovely surprise on my Tuesday here, I’m so very touched at the mention. Thank you for your kind words. So much truth here in your own words and a timely reminder for me too. ‘Goals and dreams don’t magically happen. …” It takes effort and energy, ain’t that the truth! Warmest wishes to you my friend in achieving all your goals. . xx

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Such a great article Jenny. It reminded me of a quote I once heard, from the german Journalist Robert Lembke: “Mit etwas Geschick kann man sich aus den Steinen, die einem in den Weg gelegt werden, eine Treppe bauen.” which translates into: “With some skill you can turn every rock thrown in your way into a stair to the next opportunity.”

    All the best

    Liked by 3 people

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