Grandpa’s Wisdom

My daughters Mackenzie and Talee, both in their early twenties, were home this past weekend. We had wonderful family time — plenty of cooking, eating, shopping, and laughing.

Sunday night my parents came over for dinner. It was a perfect night to sit outside, so I set the patio table and lit citronella candles. We enjoyed a relaxed meal at sunset. It was nice for my parents to hear what’s going on in my girls’ lives, straight from them.

We got on the subject of dating. My husband asked our daughters what they were looking for in a man. Mackenzie said she wants a guy who’s fun, outgoing, a little edgy, and can appreciate that she enjoys working and wants to advance in her career. Talee wants someone who makes her laugh, likes to be active and is athletic, and a guy who will support her decision to be a stay at home mom. Both want husbands who love to be with family, because they’re so close to us. (I’m super happy and proud about this one!)

Our conversation got deeper and more complex. I noticed my parents nodding and smiling, while listening to their granddaughters’ wishlists. It ranged from appearance, to morals, to the location of their homes. My husband and I asked a lot of questions, trying to figure out which traits are important for their future grooms to possess.

After twenty minutes, I was exhausted thinking about all the things they want to find in a man, and what my husband and I think they should look for. It sounded so complicated.

Music was playing from the outdoor speakers. This is no joke — in the middle of our discussion, the song that came on was Meghan Trainor’s hit, “Dear Future Husband.” The girls and I looked at each other and laughed so hard.

Dessert was gobbled up and it was time for my parents to leave. We said our goodbyes in the kitchen. My husband and I started to walk toward the front door. We had taken just a few steps when we heard my dad talk to Mackenzie and Talee. We stopped around the corner, and he didn’t know we were there.

“Girls, don’t listen to your mom and dad. Just find someone you love.”

They giggled. My husband and I looked at each other and smiled.

I whispered, “He’s right, you know.”

My dad will be 88 in a few weeks. He likes things simple and old-fashioned. He and my mom have been married almost sixty years. I love hearing his golden nuggets of advice to our daughters. It helps keep them grounded, and remember what’s important.

Family. Love. Health. Laughter.

I hope and pray he gets to meet his granddaughters’ future husbands.


First image courtesy of here

Second image courtesy of here




47 thoughts on “Grandpa’s Wisdom

  1. This is a lovely family story. I remember my grandfather coming to live with us shortly after my beloved grandmother passed away. I had spent most weekends with them for about 3 or 4 years and so being around him 24/7 was natural. If my parents weren’t home I would make us some dinner and we would talk, play crib (he taught me and I never beat him, up to and including our last game hours before he passed) and just enjoy each others company. When I was dating my mother never liked the guys I went out with. Pop said “in the end it is you that have to live with the man you choose, your Mom just has to spoil the grandchildren!

    Liked by 2 people

    • I love this. What a beautiful relationship you had with your grandfather! I think grandparents are an important buffer, or sounding board, with a different view than parents. And that’s a wonderful thing! I’m glad we live close to my parents, so I have them over for dinner a lot. And I especially make the effort when my girls are there. That time with their grandparents is so special. Thanks for your lovely comment 🌷💕

      Liked by 1 person

  2. That is just so precious. There are so many things to consider. I long ago created an impossible list. My husband fits most of it. I think for me, kindness and affection were most crucial. Your girls’ granddad reminds me that love was so much heavier than my list of ‘requirements’. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s great that you made an impossible list. And even better that your husband fits most of it! 💜 and I’m the same.. Love was the most important for me, instead of a list of must haves. What I wanted most was a man who loved me as much as I loved him. And I found him! 😊

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  3. The funny thing is that we may want these certain qualities, morals, looks and even wealth in our future partner but when we found someone that is right for us, all of the things we want just goes away. It is love and connection between the two person that determines their future. 🙂

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  4. Those lists of qualifications we make are funny….because so much of what makes two people truly connect aren’t ON the list. And we often don’t realize we need those things until we find ourselves in a relationship where they are lacking.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, I know exactly what you mean!! Definitely more than a spark 🙂 it’s that knowing in your heart that that is the person you want to be with forever, and can’t live without. Someone who makes you feel safe and happy and has your back. True love. I’m so grateful I found all that and more in my husband! 💕💕

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