Just a Thought…


I love this quote because it’s so true in my life. I have a handful of close friends who I know will always be there for me, and me for them. It doesn’t matter how long it’s been since we’ve talked, we pick up right where we left off. We can be thousands of miles away, but it’s like we’re next door.

It isn’t easy to develop close friendships. It takes time, effort, and a special connection. My mom has always said most people can count their true friends on one hand.

When life happens–we get married, move, have children, advance in our career–those true friends let go, and let us grow. Because they’re growing too.

Time passes, and circumstances change. There’s comfort in knowing those friends will be there. It’s like they’re holding an invisible long, twisty string that binds our lives together.

There’s nothing like talking to girlfriends. Every Thursday morning, two of my closest friends and I go for a walk with our dogs. We chat about anything and everything. We’re there for each other to listen. To help solve problems. To laugh. We need those walks.

One of my “walking friends” works full time. When she started her job, she was able to arrange her schedule to go in a little later on Thursday mornings to accommodate our walks. She never mentioned the reason why. One Thursday she had to go to the office early because she was swamped. An employee asked, “Why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be at your therapy appointment?”

I can just imagine the look on her face. She laughed and had no idea her co-workers thought the reason she couldn’t come in early on Thursdays was due to a therapy session.

But actually, it’s not that far off.

Image courtesy of here

30 thoughts on “Just a Thought…

  1. Pingback: Just a Thought… — Peace from Panic – cobwebsinthecornerblog

  2. So timely and so true. I just spoke to one of those friends this morning. I love her dearly but we only catch up in person a couple of times a year. And each time it seems like only yesterday. Beautiful post.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Miriam! Those are such special friends, that’ll be there for us no matter what. That’s nice you talked to your friend today.. yes, good timing! 💐 have a great weekend, Jenny


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