Be Here. Right Now.

Earlier this week while sipping my morning coffee, I was scrolling on Instagram when this quote posted by Wondermind caught my eye. It was exactly what I needed to see.

I read it three times:

Chill out, take a deep breath, and spend more energy enjoying where you are.

The night before, I hadn’t slept well. My anxiety started to spiral around 3am (I hate when that happens!) I was worrying about where my life is headed. That’s a loaded question for the middle of the night.

Nothing is really wrong. In fact, my life right now is pretty great and I feel incredibly blessed. My husband and I just celebrated 34 wonderful years of marriage, my family is healthy and happy. I think my anxiety stems from making it through a really rough past two years.

A brief background: my mom was diagnosed with vascular dementia late 2021 and passed away August 1, 2022. During that same time, my dad had a heart attack and like my mom, was placed in a board and care facility. Dad passed away January 2, 2023, just five months after Mom. We had a buyer for their house and needed to move FAST. We closed escrow March 1. And within the past few weeks, my husband and I have sold a large part of our business.

BIG changes. Even positive transitions can be challenging. Change is HARD.

It finally feels like I’m coming out from underwater, getting my life back. I’m planning things for the future with hope and optimism. I’m so grateful. But honestly, it feels kind of strange. A bit like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. Maybe it’s because I was in crisis mode for so long.

But now I need to chill. Take deep breaths. And enjoy this time of my life.

Thank you Hunter Hayes, for those words of wisdom. I’m adopting it as my new mantra.

12 thoughts on “Be Here. Right Now.

  1. Oh Jeni, I feel for you. And I’ve been there, and I still have my days, and those 3am wake ups! Even when everything seems absolutely fine and we’re grateful for so much, those doubts, insecurities and anxieties creep in. I guess it’s part of being human. That’s when a big dose of “appreciate the moment” and quotes like Hunter’s really helps and hits home. That step back to appreciate where we are right now. Sending hugs and love. 💗 xx

    Liked by 2 people

    • Miriam, your words are so perfect, you made me feel so good! There’s nothing like when someone can totally relate to your feelings. Reminds me I’m not alone in this. Thank you sweet friend❤️hugs and love back to you!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. As you know, I definitely understand everything you wrote. It is difficult to come out of a traumatic place. It’s almost like, “Wait! I can plan. I can move forward. I can let my guard down and breath.” It’s not like flipping a switch. Changing from one mode to another just like that. But it usually is an incremental process. At least that is how I see it.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Exactly. So well said and I know you completely understand. I think it’ll take more time for me to get used to it. I feel like I’m in kind of a strange in-between. Thanks for reading and for your spot-on comment!


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